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About Me

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Brummitt Jasmine

Several years ago,

I went through a really tough time in my life- suffering with mental illness and chronic pain. I felt so lost, as if I was in a sea of complete darkness with roaring waters. The hardest days were the ones when I was just getting through the hours of each day depending on my own strength and understanding to get me through. I had no faith in my ability to keep pushing forward, because I was so tired of the physical and mental pain that I was experiencing.

Four to five years within this season of suffering I decided to start growing in my relationship with God, I went on a spiritual journey, which slowly evolved into my walk with Christ. I started taking my mental health more seriously, me and God started working on our relationship, and from there-the Lord started doing his work in me.

Jasmine Brummitt

Now, years later I have grown and evolved, and I thank God so much for that! I have a firm foundation in life now, I have grown within my emotional intelligence, I have grown in my faith, and in knowledge of God, and I'm still working on becoming better through Him and Christ.

From there, the Holy Spirit has been my guide and nurturer through and through. I am blessed to be where I am today-mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. And as I continue growing through God, I pray that through my gifts, knowledge, and understanding. That I may be of light to others who are in the dark struggling too.

With Love,

My coaching philosophy 


My coaching philosophy


is grounded in the belief that each individual holds a unique relationship with God (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) that guides us towards our true purpose and fulfillment in life. I believe that growing and maturing in our relationship with Him and our awareness of self helps to unlock our full potential to create the life we desire.  

I believe in the power of self-discovery, self-love, and self-empowerment. Through deep introspection, mindfulness practices, and spiritual guidance. I help my clients uncover their true passions, values, and desires, and support them in aligning their actions with their authentic selves. 

I believe in the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit, and I work with my clients holistically to address all aspects of their being. Through a combination of intuitive coaching and oracle card readings. I help by clients release limiting beliefs, heal emotional wounds, and cultivate a deep sense of inner peace. 

Ultimately, my coaching philosophy is about empowering my clients to trust in their own inner wisdom, stay true to themselves, and create a life that is aligned with their highest purpose and potential. 

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